ENI: 03310502
MMSI: 267132401
Flag: Slovakia
Home port: Bratislava
Year built: 1964
Vessel Details
- Type of vessel: Motor tanker, equipped for the transport of edible oils
- Brand: 502 B NYM 1964
- Construction site: Bodewes Millingen in Millingen aan den Rijn
- Propulsion: V12-cylinder Mitsubishi diesel engine
- Class: SI, valid until 2026-12
- Length: 79.89 m
- Width: 9.09 m
- Empty height: 4.80 m
- Loading capacity: 1,236 tons at a max (cargo density 1)
- Draft: 2.77 m
Cargo tanks: 12 pcs, volume: 1383 m³
- Steam boiler with heating coils
- Pumps: 1 x 250 m³/h Houttuin
- Mitsubishi – 862 hp at 1940 rpm – type S12A2-MPTA (CCR I) 2011
- Bow thruster: 1 x 260 hp (Kalkman (rev. 2014) / DAF Bj. 2010)
- Auxiliary engines: 1 x Mitsubishi 56 kW + 1 x Lister + 1 x Mitsubishi 31 kW
Radionav. Equipment:
- Equipment with JRC radar
- 2 x Marifon Matros
- Rudder angle indicator
- Autopilot
- Direction indicator
- Echo sounder
- Speedometer
- Clinometer
Cargo Tanks
- 2 x 6 cargo tanks with rounded corners in the transition from the tank walls to the tank floor
Tank Capacities
- Ps: 120.604 m³ | Stb: 120.602 m³
- Ps: 122.215 m³ | Stb: 122.793 m³
- Ps: 115.388 m³ | Stb: 115.142 m³
- Ps: 115.357 m³ | Stb: 115.342 m³
- Ps: 121.887 m³ | Stb: 122.321 m³
- Ps: 79.616 m³ | Stb: 79.479 m³
PRICE: $200,000
Ref nr.401
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Name: LISA
ENI: 04012090
MMSI: 267132402
Flag: Slovakia
Home port: Bratislava
Technical Data
Year of construction: 1974
Shipyard: J.J. Sietas, Hamburg Neuenfelde, Germany
Maximum usable tonnage: 1566.404 tonnes (at cargo density 1)
Vessel Dimensions:
- Length: 99.99 m
- Width: 8.99 m
- Draft in cargo: 2.45 m
- Fixpoint: 4.53 m
Cargo Tanks and Handling Equipment:
- 14 uncoated steel cargo tanks with pipework system
- Total volume of cargo tanks: 2,140 cubic metres
Loading/Unloading Systems:
- Placed at midships along the entire length of the cargo deck, equipped with steel pipework, double circuit 10″ suction pipework, single loop 8″ pressure lines, 2 cargo pumps, valves, pipework, level switches, temperature sensors, underpressure and overpressure alarms, electronic tank gauges, gas analysers with alarms and gauges of the tank slop level
- Loading and unloading hose with a diameter of 6″, length of 12 metres
- Pumps: 2 Borneman cargo pumps with a capacity of approx. 300 cubic metres per hour each, driven by a MWM 129 kW engine
Brasps and Winches:
- 2-disc anchor windlass in the bow, electrically driven, 2 anchors of 935 kg each and 60 metres of anchor chain
- Aft 1-disc anchor windlass with electric drive and 1 anchor with 60 metres of anchor chain
- 1 dinghy to starboard on the deck forward of the accommodation superstructure
- 1 single manually driven single lowered steel foremast at the bow of the vessel
Propulsion System:
- Main engine manufacturer: MWM
- Type: 6-cylinder, 4-stroke, TBD 440 – 6
- Engine number: 4400610010
- Power: 662 kW (900 hp)
- Year of construction: 1974
Installation of Bow Thruster:
- Manufacturer: DAF
- Type: DKT 1160 A
- Number: F 67553
- Power: 260 hp
Auxiliary Installations:
- Generator sets: 2
- Location: Aft engine room
- Manufacturer: Deutz, type BF4M1012E with a 51 kW generator
- Manufacturer: Hatz, type 4L41C with 30 kW generator
- Truck pumps: Borneman cargo pump with a capacity of about 300 cubic metres per hour each, driven by MWM engine, type RHS 518-S, number 26359
PRICE: $200,000
Ref nr.402
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Name: LUKA
ENI: 04011450
Flag: Slovakia
Home port: Bratislava
Vessel Details
Type: Single hull tanker
- DWT: 1232 t at 2.52 m draught, 1218 t at 2.50 m draught, 1078 t at 2.30 m draught, and 870 t at 2.00 m draught
Year of manufacture: 1972
Dimensions: 80.00 x 9.00 x 2.52 m
Fixing point: 4.20 m
Class: BV, valid until 2024-05
Cargo Tanks: 12, total volume: 1540 m³
Pumps: 2 x 600 m³/h Bornemann 420 + 180 m³/h, driven by MWM 125PS 1500 rpm diesel
Main Engine:
- Manufacturer: MWM
- Power: 870 hp at 375 rpm
- Type: TRH484SU
- Year: 1972
- Cylinders: 6
- Overhaul: 2003 + 2011 (€100,000), partial overhaul in 2022 (€30,000)
- Forward: Large lounge/bedroom and kitchen, bath/WC, new extended in 2002
- Forward: Large living room, open kitchen, 2 bedrooms and small cabin bath/toilet
Other Equipment:
- Bow thruster: 220 hp
- Auxiliary engines: Deutz / Hatz 50 / 5 kVA
- DAF Single control panel
- 1 hydr. Becker steering wheel
- Radar: Elna 3200
- Autopilot: Radio Zeeland 500
Upgrades and Maintenance:
- 1991: Installed 220/380 volt generator and bow thruster
- 1992: New Elna radar installed
- 1993: Costs for class, conversion, engine overhaul, etc. approx. €225,000
- 1997: New nozzle, truck crane
- 2002: 2008 new bottom 8 mm in tank area including cofferdams
- 2010: Completely overhauled Deutz generator 50 kVA inbuilt
Last Loads: Fertilizer
PRICE: $200,000
Ref nr.403
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ENI: 04400940
Flag: Slovakia
Home port: Bratislava
Vessel Details
Type: Tanker
- DWT: 1333 tonnes at a draught of 2.73 m
Year of construction: 1958
Dimensions: 85.00 x 8.20 m
Class: GL Type N closed, valid until 2025-06
Cargo Tanks: 12
- Total capacity: 1700 m³
- Manufacturer: Deutz
- Power: 870 hp
- Type: SBA12M816W
- Installed: 2012
- Overhaul: 2022
Other Equipment:
- Bow thruster: 1 x 350 hp (Verhaar)
- Auxiliary engines: 1 x 30 kW, 1 x 24 kW, 1 x 17 kW, 1 x 5 kW
- Truck crane: 1.5 tonne
- Radar systems: 2 (front and rear)
Upgrades and Maintenance:
- 2022: Overhaul of main engine for €40,000
PRICE: $200,000
Ref nr.404
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